In the Meantime

I have been playing scrabble online.  I love scrabble.  I have found myself, however, getting very focused on trying to get the big points.  Efforts to line up the “Z” on a triple letter space using the word “zebra” on a triple word space.  As those of you who play scrabble know, that doesn’t happen very often.  In the process, I note how many other words I could have used that would in the long run earn me a steady number of points.

So those of you who know me, know I am going to use this as an analogy, so here we go.  How many times in our lives, do we spend our energy waiting for that big moment?  That promotion, that vacation, that love affair, that time when our financial lives will be stable.  In doing so, we miss all the small joys that happen every day.  The kicker is that our sense of well-being is never satisfied by those big events.  They are great, but they too, pass and we are on to the next.

We feel content and peaceful in our lives when we stay present in the NOW of our lives. Iyanla Vanzant wrote a book with one of my favorite titles.  “In the Meantime” stressing that though we are always waiting for that big moment, in the meantime our lives are in session.  Goals are great, but don’t miss the little things because the little things add up to define the quality of our lives.

What are the little things you appreciate in your life today?