The Benefits of Sleep

“No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap.” 
-Carrie Snow 

I had a good weekend. Got to spend time with my son, went to the beach and a shorebirds game and spent time with friends. By one o’clock Sunday afternoon, however, I was absolutely exhausted. I then took a three hour nap. Best three hours of my weekend. 

For anyone who knows me, even those that do not know me well, they usually are aware that one of my, if not my favorite, thing is sleeping. When I lay my head down at night onto my pillow I think I am the happiest I am all day. I love completely melting into my bed and knowing I have hours ahead of me of sleep. 

 Because of my love of sleep, I would like to extol the top eight benefits of getting adequate sleep: 

  1. Sleep improves both your memory and your ability to learn 
  2. Sleep ensures your body can restore and rejuvenate itself and improves your overall quality of life and life span 
  3. Sleep allows your body to restore your immune system and fight inflammation/disease. 
  4. Good sleep spurs your creativity 
  5. Sleep Improves athletic and physical performance  
  6. Improves your reaction time especially when driving 
  7. Best stress reliever I know 
  8. Bolsters and improves our mood. 

Sleep Tight!

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